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*Download Universaltermsrvpatch-x64.exe Windows 10

*Universal Termsrv Patch Win 10

Solution home Utilities and Downloads Downloads. RDP Patch Utility for Windows 10 1803 Print. Modified on: Wed, 27 Jun, 2018 at 2:34 PM. NOTE: As of 6/27/2018 Microsoft has released a patched 1803 Remote Desktop client to resolve several outstanding bugs, including the 'popup windows hidden' and 'right-click menus hidden' bugs. GitHub is where the world builds software. Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub — the largest and most advanced development platform in the world.

Microsoft offers the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) in Windows to allow remote desktop connections, and while most versions of Windows include a RDP client, only the Professional, Ultimate and Server editions offer the RDP server to accept incoming connections.

Unlike server editions of Windows, Microsoft limits the client editions of Windows to one concurrent user, whether remote or local. So if a remote desktop connection is made, no one physically at the PC can use it or even see the desktop without first kicking off the remote user.

However, we'll discuss how you can remove this limitation so that multiple users can log in simultaneously. Thus a remote user(s) can log in to their account while also allowing a local user to log in to their account when physically at the PC.

This limitation can be bypassed by applying an unofficial modification called the Universal Termsrv.dll Patch, which is provided by a developer who goes by the handle DeepXW: 10 Steps total Step 1: Download 

Download the and extract the ZIP file.9df64dfa11f533a804806ef6822378c25282f9330e0fc81fe06f7eae7510cffd_UniversalTermsrvPatch_20090425.zipStep 2: 32 or 64

Find the patch program you should run based upon your processor. For 32-bit (x86) it's UniversalTermsrvPatch-x86.exe and for 64-bit (amd64) it's UniversalTermsrvPatch-x64.exe.Step 3: Note

While the patch program will automatically create a backup of the Termsrv.dll file, to be cautious you can manually save a copy yourself. You'll find the file at WindowsSystem32, and to undo the Registry changes it makes, you can save the .reg file that's included with the download and manually edit the Registry to remove the changes shown in the .reg file. For Windows XP you'll want to save the xp.reg file, and for Windows Vista and 7 its vista.reg.Step 4: Install

Right-click on the patch program and select to Run as administrator.Step 5: Registry Change

On the program, click the Patch button and it will replace the Termsrv.dll file and perform the Registry modification. It will also save a backup so you can later undo the modification if desired.Step 6: Restart

Next, restart your computer for the modification to take effect.Step 7: Enable RDP

Right-click on Computer from the Start Menu and select Properties.Step 8: Remote Settings

Click Remote settings on the left.Step 9: Select Option

Under Remote Desktop, select one of the three options.Step 10: Add Users

Administrators on the computer will automatically be added to the list of remote users, but if you need to add standard users, click Select Users.

Windows should automatically configure Windows Firewall to allow the RDP traffic to pass through, but if you have a third-party firewall installed on the PC, you may have to manually configure it to allow the traffic.

As with normal remote desktop connections, remember that to remotely connect over the Internet you must configure your router to forward incoming RDP connections to the desired PC. And unless you perform other RDP settings modifications to change the RDP ports in the Windows Registry you're basically limited to configuring one PC on the network for incoming connections via the Internet.References

*How to Enable Concurrent Remote Desktop Sessions in Windows0 Comments

You are checking the helpdesk and a new problem rolls in. You know the solution but you (the administrator) will need to login. You immediately remote into the machine only to see that the user is showing a presentation or actively using it.

Do you:

A) Call the user and have them log off so that you can start fixing the problem. The problem will get fixed but the user is interrupted for 20 minutes.

B) Wait until later in the day and hope the user isn’t using their computer. The problem will get fixed at the end of the day but the user had to deal with it all day.

C) Use RDP and log into the computer. The user is able to continue the presentation. You are able to fix the problem in the background. Everybody is happy!

The answer is C!

“That’s wrong!”, you say! “Client OSs can’t have concurrent RDP sessions. When you try, you get an ugly message and the current logged in user is logged out!”

If Server can, the client can! All we have to do is trick it! How? Let’s find out!

Starting off, I am going to make two assumptions. One – you are an administrator of these remote machines. Two – you can already RDP into these machines when no user is logged on. If you aren’t sure or haven’t configured these settings, see this article on where to locate these settings.

Next: Download the CRDP zip file. The script and files came from Mike Garcen and can be found here. Once downloaded, extract the contents into a folder within your local profile.

Third Step: Download SysInternal PSTools. Copy PSEXEC.EXE from the download and paste it in the CRDP folder (under your local profile).

Last step! Create a batch file in the root of your profile named CRDP.bat. Paste these three lines into it:

xcopy “%USERPROFILE%CRDP*” %1C$WindowsTempCRDP /y

“%USERPROFILE%CRDPpsexec.exe” %1 C:WindowsTempCRDPinstall.cmd multi 

mstsc /v:%1

That’s it! Now, you can press Windows Key + R. Then type CRDP COMPUTERNAME

XCOPY will copy over all of the files and PSXEC will execute the script. After it has finished, you will be asked to login with your administrative account. Just to show you how awesome this is, take a look at these screenshots.

A Standard User Logged On

An Administrator Logged on at the Same Time (Notice the Task Manager).

Zoomed in Task Manager Showing User Sessions:

Pretty awesome right! Now you can work on a computer at the same time as a standard user!! There are some caveats to this method. First, it currently only works on Windows 7. I’ve seen some Windows 8 methods but they are quite shady. Second, Microsoft released an update to patch Remote Desktop Connection. This update (2984972) broke this tool. You can remove this update by running wusa /uninstall /quiet /norestart /kb:2984972 . A big thanks to TenNine for researching that problem!

Concurrent Remote Desktop allows you (the administrator) to simultaneously use a client computer while a standard user is still interactively using it. For IT, this is huge! Imagine never having to kick a person off of their computer because you need to work on it. Concurrent Remote Desktop (CRDP) makes this possible. This guide will cover CRDP setup for Windows 10.

Back in the age of Windows 7, we published the first CRDP setup guide here. If you haven’t read it, do so now – it provides background information and some troubleshooting tips. For those of you that have already read it (or just don’t like prequels), let’s enable CRDP for Windows 10!

Step 1:Download and extract this ZIP file to a network location. Any IT employee who will be using CRDP will need Read/Execute to these files – computer accounts do not need permission to see these.

Step 2: Edit the CRDP.bat file. Change the ServerShareCRDP path to your network location. Leave all of the other settings at their default values.

Step 3: Copy the CRDP.bat file to the root of your user profile. To launch a CRDP session, run CRDPComputerName . This will launch the CRDP.bat file and target it to the remote machine name that you specified. It will then work its way through the install.cmd file to enable CRDP.

Running CRDP from the local user profile.Caveats and Tips for Using Concurrent Remote Desktop

CRDP is dependent on the client OS that you are running. It works by modifying a few registry keys and replacing the termsrv.dll with one that doesn’t check for a logged on user. It will also enable the RDP firewall rule (if not enabled). You technically only need to run this once per machine but I find it easier to run it anytime that I am connecting to a remote computer.Download Universaltermsrvpatch-x64.exe Windows 10

There are a few things you need to know about CRDP though. First, this package only works on Windows 10 x64 installations. It will should work on any edition (that has RDP built in) and any update version. The important thing is that C:WindowsSystem32termsrv.dll is at version 10.0.10240.16384. Unless Microsoft patches this file in the future, your termsrv.dll should be this version.

The currently supported Windows 10 termsrv.dll version.

Second, this script makes the assumption that you are an administrator on the local machine. If you aren’t, fix that now. Finally, don’t run this against your own machine. Because it allows multiple sessions for the same user, you would never be able to join your original session. If you do need to restore the termsrv.dll file, just delete the existing one and rename the termsrv.dll.old file to termsrv.dll.Universal Termsrv Patch Win 10

In this guide, we configured CRDP for Windows 10 X64 installations. If you have any questions or thoughts, let me know in the comment section below.





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